Massage at Cascades Chiropractic

Massage therapist treating a client.


Welcome to Relaxing massage at Cascades Chiropractic!   You can relax your tired, aching muscles with the licensed massage therapist, Robyn. 

Swedish massage combined with deeper tissue  is Robyn's favorite technique so you get the best of both modalities.  Soothing long swedish strokes relax the muscles and relieve stress and anxiety.  Slower deep strokes and compression help to ease muscle knots and tight bands or adhesions.  Because Robyn works very slowly in using deeper tissue techniques you don't end up feeling like you were beaten up after the massage.  Gentle and slow work with the muscles prevents alot of tenderness and soreness in the days following. 

Cascades Chiropractic
45591 Dulles Eastern Plaza # 132
Sterling, Va. 20166




Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.